There is a reason why your 40"s is the specific decade for the mid-life crisis. Actually, I hate that term 'crisis' cause it's not true. It's a Clearing. Physically, emotionally and spiritually. You decide that you are carrying way too much baggage and whaddaya know, this is a short flight after all. You literally wake the f**k up. Shake your head, adjust your vision, clear your mind.
You know that lllooonng time friend who never asks about you or your life but feels free to drone on and on about her job her career her man her lack of man her fabulosity her her her...? That co-worker who always manages to consistently avoid the workload that you both should be sharing? Hairdresser that you have had for decades that leaves you with a style that has to be restyled at home? That man in your life who is kinda in kinda out kinda treats you right kinda doesn't kinda loves you kinda don't?
Listen to me and listen to me very clearly darling: Cut. That. Shit. (C.U.T.S.)
The last thing you want or need is people around you who add nothing to your life. Why hang onto them? It's like keeping those jeans from 1995: they don't fit and they never will. Enough. Enough. Enough. I was always told that you should be able to count your really close, good friends on ten fingers - no more no less. (Note: This does not apply to everyone; there are people who you don't have to keep in constant contact with. A few days, a few weeks, a few months, a few years can go by and the next conversation picks up exactly where you left off. Those are the good ones. Give 'em a finger.)
Once the C.U.T.S program starts, there will be no stopping you. You will constantly ask yourself, why oh WHY did I not do this sooner? Answer: It wouldn't have tasted as sweet. Now that you know who you are and what you will/will not deal with, there is a freedom that you will experience that is...well, there is no language. Stronger but similar to breathing fresh air after inhaling smoke from a passing bus or inhaling smoke from Mother Nature's garden after a long exasperating day. *silence* Yeah. It's that good.
This doesn't only apply to people; it also applies to places and things. That career that seemed like a good idea, oh twenty years ago, the one that you have invested so much life even though you are bored and unchallenged? Leave it. Take the 401K but get to stepping. Open that bar/store/brothel that you always secretly dreamed of. Your house will start to look like a monastery. A really broke monastery. All that extra crap (waffle maker - really?) will hit the curb. Those products in your bathroom cabinet (except for the age decreasing serums of course) garbage. Hair. Long and strong? Short and quick. Don't get crazy though - gray is not okay. Clothes - oh bless us oh heavenly father - clothes from the 80"s. 90's. 00's that we persist in believing - don't stop believing- will fit or come back in style? It ain't. And it ain't.
What I speak of goes across sex lines - it happens to both women and men who are living this decade out loud. Case in point:
I ran into a good male friend a couple of months ago who had crossed the burning sands and immediately started the C.U.T.S. He was speaking animatedly, almost a crazy babble. His hair looked slightly disheveled, his clothes (the ones that were left) did not quite match and were not quite on, his eyes darting to me and all around as he exclaimed in a stage whisper, " WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME IT WOULD FEEL THIS GOOD?" and then after a little nervous laugh he whispered to me "Oh God, am I going crazy?". Naw baby, you ain't crazy. Just really, really c l e a r.
This is the point where you will WANT to clean out your closets and clean out your life. Less literally becomes more in every way. It is the first time that housekeeping will feel completely natural to you. Roll up your sleeves, tie up your hair, grab a bottle of wine (or any alcoholic beverage) and commence to cutting.
And please remember: gray is NOT okay.
Fourty(ish) and Fabulous
You know that lllooonng time friend who never asks about you or your life but feels free to drone on and on about her job her career her man her lack of man her fabulosity her her her...? That co-worker who always manages to consistently avoid the workload that you both should be sharing? Hairdresser that you have had for decades that leaves you with a style that has to be restyled at home? That man in your life who is kinda in kinda out kinda treats you right kinda doesn't kinda loves you kinda don't?
Listen to me and listen to me very clearly darling: Cut. That. Shit. (C.U.T.S.)
The last thing you want or need is people around you who add nothing to your life. Why hang onto them? It's like keeping those jeans from 1995: they don't fit and they never will. Enough. Enough. Enough. I was always told that you should be able to count your really close, good friends on ten fingers - no more no less. (Note: This does not apply to everyone; there are people who you don't have to keep in constant contact with. A few days, a few weeks, a few months, a few years can go by and the next conversation picks up exactly where you left off. Those are the good ones. Give 'em a finger.)
Once the C.U.T.S program starts, there will be no stopping you. You will constantly ask yourself, why oh WHY did I not do this sooner? Answer: It wouldn't have tasted as sweet. Now that you know who you are and what you will/will not deal with, there is a freedom that you will experience that is...well, there is no language. Stronger but similar to breathing fresh air after inhaling smoke from a passing bus or inhaling smoke from Mother Nature's garden after a long exasperating day. *silence* Yeah. It's that good.
This doesn't only apply to people; it also applies to places and things. That career that seemed like a good idea, oh twenty years ago, the one that you have invested so much life even though you are bored and unchallenged? Leave it. Take the 401K but get to stepping. Open that bar/store/brothel that you always secretly dreamed of. Your house will start to look like a monastery. A really broke monastery. All that extra crap (waffle maker - really?) will hit the curb. Those products in your bathroom cabinet (except for the age decreasing serums of course) garbage. Hair. Long and strong? Short and quick. Don't get crazy though - gray is not okay. Clothes - oh bless us oh heavenly father - clothes from the 80"s. 90's. 00's that we persist in believing - don't stop believing- will fit or come back in style? It ain't. And it ain't.
What I speak of goes across sex lines - it happens to both women and men who are living this decade out loud. Case in point:
I ran into a good male friend a couple of months ago who had crossed the burning sands and immediately started the C.U.T.S. He was speaking animatedly, almost a crazy babble. His hair looked slightly disheveled, his clothes (the ones that were left) did not quite match and were not quite on, his eyes darting to me and all around as he exclaimed in a stage whisper, " WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME IT WOULD FEEL THIS GOOD?" and then after a little nervous laugh he whispered to me "Oh God, am I going crazy?". Naw baby, you ain't crazy. Just really, really c l e a r.
This is the point where you will WANT to clean out your closets and clean out your life. Less literally becomes more in every way. It is the first time that housekeeping will feel completely natural to you. Roll up your sleeves, tie up your hair, grab a bottle of wine (or any alcoholic beverage) and commence to cutting.
And please remember: gray is NOT okay.
Fourty(ish) and Fabulous
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