Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Am Grown Enough To Hate. Which Is A Good Thing.

You are taught as a toddler that hate is a strong word: "you should NEVER EVER use that word it's NOT a nice word" finger wagging in your face as you stand horrified wringing your tiny hands on the verge of tiny tears. Oh sesame street, what have I done WRONG??

Not a damn thing. You were just too young.

Hate is not a bad word nor a bad emotion. I can think of a million things worse that you can say or do. Hate  is the way in which you cement your dislikes for people, places and things. And let us be frank: at this point you have been around long enough to know that what you like you really love; and what you dislike you really hate. And well, it better watch out.

Yes, yes, yes, I have experienced the old 'hate is really just love' scenario. If you express so much hate for something or someone since you are experiencing that emotion it really means that you love it or them and that it or them still means something to you.


It means that you are human. It means that you are taking the necessary steps to purge the thing or person from your system in a well deserved rage. It is once that rage settles, once that pot stops boiling, the beginning of that slow muted simmer...ah yeah...that's some good slow cooking hate.

It's not all 'aaarrgghhh' and 'gggrrrrll'. Sometimes it's humorous. Really. Two sides of the same coin.

On the frivolous side:
Gummy bears (Weird colors too sugary too rubbery takes a year and a freakin' day to chew then stays stuck in your back teeth. And why bears?); salad (it's cow food people. COME ON.); an abundance of pennies in my wallet; people who spit and blow snot out of their nose in public; teens teens teens; freshly baked bread with a burnt bottom; cheap perfume and the people who expose me to it; neighbors having loud sex when I ain't having any.

On the serious side:
Reaching the last drop of wine in the bottle when I am still thirsty; people who display a lack of compassion; being addicted to cigarettes and liking it; the loss of seasons in my City; men who cheat and lie in a relationship; not laughing enough everyday; being made to feel 'less' based on my sex my hair my size the color of my skin; feeling older than I am.

These hates don't create a knot in the pit of my stomach or make me stressed out. It is more a feeling of self induced calm. Stamped and filed under ' it is what it is', I have the unfettered ability to deal with being fabulously fourtyish in a more focused and clear manner.  Hate does a mind, body and spirit good.


Fabulously Fourty(ish)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

It's My Birthday. And I Ain't Crying.

Dear Readers,

Todays date is the cause for equal parts sentimental messages tempered with bawdy overtones (for those who love me) and burning me in effigy while chanting in a circle (for those who despise me):

It's my Birthday.

And my simple wishes are such:
Good meal.
Good drinks.
Belly laughs.
Get laid.

Despite having the most fucked up year of my life in every way imaginable (and I do mean EVERY way), I feel friggin' great.

And in this moment in this time of my life,  I am fond of the past, realistic in the present and dream for my future. For while a lot of time has been spent, I still have a large bank of it to use.

I will honor my Mother and my Father who conjoined to give me life by celebrating this day to the full extent of its offered 24 hours in every inappropriate way imaginable. But always 100% me.

So when you see me today and think "dear Lord" followed by eye rolling, know that it will end soon. (Seriously, I am fourty something...)

Just enjoy the show while you can. I will.

Fabulously Fourty(ish)